Kovurt VPN

How to setup PPTP VPN on Mac OS X

For our instructions and tutorial, we are using the VPN services from Kovurt.com. You can use any service you like, but we prefer Kovurt.

After you confirmed your Kovurt subscription, we sent you an email. Inside that email you should see something like the following:

Your VPN Username: username
Your VPN Password: password

The good news is that you do not need to install any more software! Everything you need is already on your computer. Follow the easy steps below to start using Kovurt VPN:

1) Go to your “System Preferences” and then click the “Network” icon.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 1

2) Click the “+” button on the bottom left. This will allow you to create a new connection.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 2

3) On the dropdown menus, please choose “VPN” and “PPTP”. For the “Service name”, please type “Kovurt”. Then click “Create”.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 3

4) In the “Server Address” area please add the details we sent to you. For the “Account Name”, please input your “Username” that we sent to you. Then click “Authentication Settings…”.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 4

5) Now enter your “Password” that we already sent to you. Then click “OK”.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 5

6) Now click “Advanced…”.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 6

7) Please tick the “Send all traffic over VPN connection” box. Then click “OK”.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 7

8) Please make sure the “Show VPN status in menu bar” box is ticked. Then click “Apply”.
How to use Kovurt on Mac 8

9) You are now finished. You can click “Connect” to start using your Kovurt VPN!
How to use Kovurt on Mac 9

Posted in Mac OS X: PPTP Tagged with: , ,
One comment on “How to setup PPTP VPN on Mac OS X
  1. farhad says:

    I don’t see PPTP in the list of connection interfaces – CISCO IPsec, L2TP IPSec and IKEv2. How to get PPTP ?

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